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Baby Steps

Are any of you also fans of the 1991 film “What About Bob?” It’s one of our family favorites, starring Bill Murray as a very unbalanced client, Bob Wiley, of Richard Dreyfuss’ psychiatry practice. Dreyfuss’ character, Dr. Leo Marvin, has written a book he’s prompting called Baby Steps, and gives Murray a copy, throughout much of the beginning of the book, Murray mutters “baby steps” as he tries new things. This is a very short and incomplete description of the movie, but I urge you to see it, for the humor and the message.

Because if you are trying to make changes in your life, it’s all about baby steps. Breaking down change into smaller portions, making achieving them much more likely. I have often been swept back to that film when trying to tackle a change in my life. I think of myself as very open to change, but I immediately need a way to manage it.

Let's start with my first least successful effort at change - exercising. I like to call it movement, because then it's not so difficult. I hate the word "exercise" but I can embrace moving. So, recognizing that was my first baby step. I tried walking first, which I had some success at until the Phoenix warm weather kicked in. I tried walking in a mall, a Target store and even short bursts in the evening. The mall and Target distracted me and the short bursts were when it was still too hot. Finally, I found a set of exercises on YouTube - Senior Fitness by Meredith.

Those have helped greatly. They aren't long. I can do them fairly easily. It was a daily routine I can manage. Moving done - baby step 1.

However, I went to physical therapy for a hip issue and subsequently started doing three simple exercises with stretch bands that don't take long but have really help. Moving done - baby step 2.

Phoenix is about to get into Fall weather and I'll begin to walk outside again. However, I have found a place with an indoor track to walk around and will join that this weekend. Moving done - baby step 3.

I've used this system in many things, but I think you get the idea. Don't get overwhelmed with the idea of change. Embrace it a little at a time. You'll get there.

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